Tuesday 3 December 2019

I'm Sorry Boo...

Hi boo boo!

I am homee by the time you read this.
I wanted to say i am so sorry. I feel so terrible and.. Bad. I just realised that it's December already! It's going to be christmas and new year!!!

And i... Haven't even wished you Happy Birthday 😭😭😭😭😭😭

I am so sorryy! I was so caught up with work and how bad the haze were at the time. That i forgot to wish you.. and i felt like i have maybe because I used to have a thought about it but i didn't get the chance to do it.

Therefore...happy very very very belated birthday boo!! My one and only the best ever bestfriend i ever had!

I'll make it up to you. I promise. :'(

I love you boo! I' ll delete this post if you want to x')

Starting a new book!


I know nobody even bother reading this but
I am back after such a long time. Leaving this blog
To collect dust. I looked back at my oldest posts and i am absolutely embarrassed! Well, what can you say. I was an innocent young girl back then. I am thinking of doing something with this blog.. But i'm not sure what.

Btw, i'm glad to be back. I don't even know how did i even get access to this blog again... I'm glad i did though.

I'll see you, when i have time and come up with something to post! :)